Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Review: Keekaroo Peanut Changer

The Keekaroo Peanut Changer is one of our favorite, and most practical, baby products that we have purchased for our son.  I first saw this unique diaper changing pad at baby boutique in Santa Monica.  I liked that it was modern looking, and could be easily wiped down and cleaned.  (Those of you with baby boys know what I'm talking about and why this = less laundry :).  

The Keekaroo Peanut Changer seems to be a fairly new product, as I bought it before many reviews were available. We have the aqua color, and it looks pretty similar the to the color shown in the photo. The first one that was shipped to us seemed to have some lumps in material, but once I contacted customer service, they quickly shipped us a replacement.  

Our son is nearly 3 months old, and is comfortable and happy when we're changing his diaper on the Keekaroo.  Even my mom (who has taken care of many diaper changes for her own children and now 3 grandchildren) noted that she felt this was a really good product. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Review: Breastfeeding Friendly Fashion

If you decide to breastfeed your baby, you will quickly realize that nursing will consume much of your days (and nights).  To make things easier for both you and your baby, I highly recommend that you wear clothing that is nursing friendly. It doesn't necessarily have to be designed for nursing, as long as the top stretches or opens up, and allows your baby easy access.  I found that several of my regular banana republic tops with a shawl (low, wrap-over) collar have worked just fine for nursing.

However, there are some nice and comfortable designs that I have found now that I'm 2+ months postpartum.  Here are my favorite postpartum nursing tops.

available at Target, this is one of the best value tanks available.
 I like that it is supportive and slimming. It comes in black and white.

I discovered these when they were onsale on zulily recently. I ordered two and love them. 
They are super comfortable and fit nicely. They do not scream "maternity" or "nursing" and come any a variety of versatile and stylish colors. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Recipe: EW Mom's Oatmeal Cranberry White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Lactation Cookies

While I seem to have enough milk to keep my little one happy (and at a healthy weight - 7lb7oz at birth, he weighed in at 13lbs at 2 months!) I have been trying to pump extra every day in order to store up for my return to work.  I'm not sure how much each thing is helping exactly, but so far my combination of 2 cups of Mother's milk tea and a bowl of oatmeal daily seem to be doing the trick.

I finally got around to baking some lactation cookies this week. For the EW Lactation cookie, I based my recipe off of what seemed to be the highest rated / reviewed recipes by 1) Kelly Winder of www.BellyBelly.com.au,  and Noel Trujillo.   Of note, both their recipes make a huge batch (which is suitable if you're planning to share with your family).  My recipe is half a batch, which still yielded plenty of cookies (approx 50 bit sized ones).  The "magic" ingredients which stimulate milk production appear to be flaxseed, oatmeal, and brewer's yeast.